Mogno j006
Release date : 4/2/2002
Price : 12€

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"Weber Iago" is :

Weber Iago : piano

Produced by: Charles Loos & Weber Iago (Special thanks to Igloo) Recorded, mixed and mastered by: Daniel Léon at Studio Igloo - October 2000 Photos: Dave Glover Cover photo: Vincent De Troy Artwork: Signé Lazer

Weber Iago : "Two Hands, One Heart"

Over the years I have focused more on my work as a composer and a bit less on my interpreter one. However, I noticed overtime, that my "composer's mind" was playing an important role in my way of interpreting the works of other composers. As a result, I saw myself, more and more, developing an incredible desire to play works other than my own. This aspect of my career is constantly being developed and now, I have the joy of sharing it with my listeners. The journey goes on!
Weber Iago, pianiste brésilien résidant en Californie, revisite à sa manière et en solo des standards de jazz. Un jeu à la fois virtuose et délicat au service d'un sublime lyrisme : un très grand moment de piano.
